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In this section you will find our liaisons and partners.

ADRA 2025
PEER participated in the event: "Future-Ready: On-Demand Solutions with AI, Data, Robotics" organized by AI-on-Demand Platform and ADRA. The event highlighted EU-funded projects within the AI, Data, and Robotics (ADR) partnership, showcasing advancements, addressing challenges, and fostering collaboration. Our contribution, alongside the sister projects AI4REALNET Project, HumAIne project, TANGO Project, and THEMIS 5.0, was a workshop titled: “The Human Factor in AI: Bridging Technology and Trust”
Adra - AI-Data-Robotics-Association Forum 2024
PEER participated in the Adra Forum 2024 in Eindhoven, where we hosted a joint workshop: "From Algorithms to Assurance: Designing Human-Centric AI to Enhance Collaboration, Trust, and Acceptance". The workshop featured inspiring insights and expert contributions from 3 other HorizonEurope projects: AI4REALNET Project, THEMIS 5.0, and HumAIne project. Together, we explored the future of human empowerment in AI, data, and robotics.
Science Europe, Research Foundation Flanders - FWO 2024
Professor Ann Nowe from Vrije Universiteit Brussel, co-ordinator of the PEER projec, participated in a science communication conference co-organized by Science Europe, Research Foundation Flanders - FWO, and F.R.S. - FNRS under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2024. This event's purpose was to bring European policymakers and stakeholders together to highlight the importance of open, Ethical Science communication in research processes and increase awareness of the need to address scientific communication more formally in research programs. One of Science Europe's priorities is to “strengthen the voice of science in and for society.”
FARI - Flanders Technology & Innovation days 2023
PEER was presented at Flanders Technology & Innovation days at VUB and FARI in Brussels. We are very proud to be able to present our project's vision to school groups and public administration bodies at EU, national, and local levels to foster understanding and engagement.


This area includes the collection of the PEER past newsletters.

Issue 2 - March 25 Issue 1 - April 24



TANGO is a €7M EU-funded Horizon Europe project that aims to develop the theoretical foundations and the computational framework for synergistic human-machine decision making. The 4-year project will pave the way for the next generation of human-centric AI systems. The goal is to fully develop the enormous potential that AI holds in terms of positive impact on individuals, society and economy by establishing a symbiosis between humans and machines: people should feel they can trust the systems they interact with, in terms of reliability of their predictions and decisions, capacity of the systems to understand their needs, and guarantees that they are genuinely aiming at supporting them rather than some undisclosed third party. TANGO focuses on developing the theoretical foundations and the computational framework for synergistic human-machine decision making, framework that will be tested on four real-life case studies.


HumAIne researches, develops, validates, and promotes a novel Operating System for Human-AI collaboration. This system facilitates advanced decision-making applications in dynamic, unstructured environments across various industrial sectors. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as Active Learning (AL), Neuro-Symbolic Learning (NL), Swarm Learning (SL), and eXplainable AI (XAI), all integrated into the HumAIne OS platform, HumAIne empowers AI solution integrators to create collaboration systems that surpass the capabilities of AI and humans working independently.


HumAIne researches, develops, validates, and promotes a novel Operating System for Human-AI collaboration. This system facilitates advanced decision-making applications in dynamic, unstructured environments across various industrial sectors. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as Active Learning (AL), Neuro-Symbolic Learning (NL), Swarm Learning (SL), and eXplainable AI (XAI), all integrated into the HumAIne OS platform, HumAIne empowers AI solution integrators to create collaboration systems that surpass the capabilities of AI and humans working independently.


THEMIS 5.0 is making AI decisions easier to understand. We are accelerating the shift towards more trusted AI-enabled services by helping people unpack the 'black box' that are AI algorithms to better understand what data is used, and how decisions are reached, so they can influence improvements. Using a risk-based approach, our AI trustworthiness framework and intelligent coach will create an ecosystem through which AI-driven hybrid decision making occurs in accordance with the needs and moral values of specific users. Our co-creation, development and testing processes are taking place across three use case domains - healthcare, port logistics and journalism.

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